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Aides Memoires | 07/06/2004


1.2 Reason for this Aide Memoire

This Aide Memoire builds on Aide Memoire #2, "The Control of BVI-Issued Bearer Shares",
issued in October 2002 by the Financial Services Commission of the British Virgin Islands
("the Commission"). Aide Mémoire #2...

Advisory Warnings | 19/04/2004

The general public is HEREBY ADVISED that Trenton Line Slip Administrators, LLC and Trenton Line Slip are not licensed under the Insurance Act, 1994 of the British Virgin Islands to carry on insurance business. Nor are Trenton Line Slip Administrators, LLC and Trenton Line Slip incorporated or...

International Reports | 05/04/2004

The contents of this report constitute technical advice and recommendations given by the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the authorities of a member country in response to their request for technical assistance. With the written authorization of the recipient country's...

International Reports | 05/04/2004

The contents of this report constitute technical advice and recommendations given by the staff of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to the authorities of a member country in response to their request for technical assistance. With the written authorization of the recipient country's...

Advisory Warnings | 13/08/2003

The general public is HEREBY ADVISED that Uniworld Global Management Ltd. is not licensed to provide management services to mutual funds under the Mutual Funds Act, 1996. 

Uniworld Global Management Ltd. (the “company”) appears to be conducting mutual fund business from...

Advisory Warnings | 18/12/2002

The general public is HEREBY ADVISED that Mainlandexpress Bank is not licensed under the Banks and Trust Companies Act, 1990 of the British Virgin Islands to conduct banking business.

Mainlandexpress Bank appears to be conducting banking business from their website ...

Advisory Warnings | 09/12/2002


Security Trust Insurance Limited

The general public is HEREBY ADVISED that Security Trust Insurance Limited is not licensed under the Insurance Act, 1994 of the British Virgin Islands to conduct insurance business nor under the Banks and Trust Companies Act, 1990...
