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Request for Amendments to Particulars of RoD Form (Revised November 2016)

Industry Updates

As published in the Industry circular dated July 15, 2016 please access the form in the link below.

Correcting Administrative Errors (RoD filings)

The Registry is currently able to assist Agents with correcting errors in the RoD filings using the following mechanism:

1.      To request corrections to a RoD filing please email a completed Request for Amendments to Particulars of RoD form to the Registry using [email protected] .

2.      Agents will receive a transaction number as a reference when the request has been received.

3.      Amendments will be processed within 36 hours of receipt and on completion, the Agent will receive confirmation

4.      Administrative errors will only be processed one time for each company without charge.  Beginning with the second request to correct an administrative error the charge will be the same as for an amendment to the register.

5.      Administrative errors will only be corrected without charge if they are submitted for processing within 48 hours of the original filing.  After 48 hours the amendment charge will apply.

6.      Please direct inquiries for amendments to RoD filings to the attention of Perline George via email.  To ensure a transaction record of your request please submit your request via email ONLY to ([email protected]).

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