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BVI Financial Services Commission Operations Update #3

Industry Updates

BVIFSC Operations Update

The BVI Financial Services Commission business continuity systems are in place in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and Maria and are working well.  Commission systems are functional and the VIRRGIN online service for the Registry of Corporate Affairs is fully operational.  All Company Registry data remains entirely secure.  The Registry of Corporate Affairs is operating limited hours as the territory recovers.  The Registry will be open daily from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and industry are able to make deposits on accounts, full BVI BCA filings and company searches.

Commission services which require the personal involvement of registry staff may take longer than usual to deliver in the short term.  We are grateful for your patience while we work to restore services to normal.

We gratefully acknowledge and appreciate the many messages of support for the Commission, its staff and the territory.  The financial services sector can be assured of the resilience of our systems.  Our customers and all who deal with the BVI may similarly be assured of our continued determination to deliver them an excellent service.


Extension of Name Reservations

To facilitate name reservations that may have expired during the passing of hurricanes Irma and Maria, the Registry of Corporate Affairs is pleased to announce a temporary extension to the name reservations process.

All company names reserved during the period 4th September, 2017 to 31st October, 2017 will remain reserved until 15th November, 2017.

The BVI Financial Services Commission appreciates your usual cooperation.  Please direct any enquiries regarding this change to the Registry of Corporate Affairs via email [email protected] or by telephone: (284) 852-4067, 852-4712 or 852-4116.


Premium Services

Registered Agents are advised that Premium Services are available at the Registry of Corporate Affairs. Submit Premium Services transactions via VIRRGIN using the usual procedures.