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Can I have more than one (1) Authorised Signatory?
Yes! Each Authorised Signatory must be setup by the FSC. Please complete the relevant sections on pages 2 and 3 of the Registration Form for each authorised signatory. Authorised Signatories within VIRRGIN are the ONLY users allowed to submit filings that require payment and create staff login accounts for other employees.
What is the difference between an Authorised Signatory and a Staff User in VIRRGIN?
Authorised Signatories must be created by the FSC and are the only users allowed to submit filings that require payment. Staff users are created by the agent at their office once they have access to VIRRGIN. Staff users can submit filings that do not require payment and prepare individual or batch transactions for approval by the Authorised Signatory.
How do I pay for transactions using VIRRGIN?
VIRRGIN supports payments for transactions using credit cards, electronic cheques, electronic funds transfer, and a prepaid deposit account. You may start a deposit account with the FSC and payment for transactions using VIRRGIN are automatically deducted from your available balance.
What happens when there is no money in my deposit account?
If you do not have enough funds in your deposit account to support the transactions you are trying to complete you have several options:
- increase your deposit account through a payment at the Registry
- select an alternative payment method e.g. credit card
- remove some items from your transaction list to reduce the transaction total
How are documents from VIRRGIN signed?
Official documents issued by the FSC will be issued by hard copy original and bear an electronically affixed signature.
What should I put in Agent's Title on the VIRRGIN Registration Form?
Please fill in the job title of the Agent Representative completing that section of the form.
What is the Agent's Licence number on the VIRRGIN Registration Form?
Please provide the company's licence number (under the Banks and Trust act or the Company Management Act) issued by the FSC.
Why do you need a financial contact?
This is the person we will contact regarding any financial management issues, we will also provide notification for critical balance information on your deposit account.
How can I track payments made by my Authorised Signatory?
Currently, VIRRGIN does not producea daily list of financial transactions on the Agents side. VIRRGIN does however return a receipt for each individual or batch of transactions uploaded to the Registry. Each transaction confirmation and receipt lists the relevant transactions and reference information. On the Agent side, there is also a module to monitor your deposit (payment on account) account.
Can I use a cheque to make payment for transactions completed on-line?
Payment must be available to the FSC at the time of the transaction. This is facilitated through the deposit account and credit card. The FSC recommends that Agents use the deposit account feature to maintain an available balance for completing transactions using VIRRGIN. All cheques delivered to the Registry's Finance Department will be treated as cash and immediately available for use through VIRRGIN.
Is there anyway for the Authorised Signatory of one agent to authorise payments in respect of a transaction or inquiry involving a company belonging to another agent?
No, Authorised Signatories are limited to companies and transactions for the specific Registered Agent assigned during the application process.
What email address should I provide for automatic notices from the VIRRGIN system?
Please provide a general email address for automatic notices from the VIRRGIN system (i.e. approval notices, defect notifications etc.) to enable multiple members of your staff to access system generated emails.
How many people from my organisation should consistently communicate with the Registry of Corporate Affairs?
Designate up to 2 persons to communicate with the Registry for more efficient service and response.
Should anything be attached to e-filings?
Attach the VIRRGIN generated receipt to e-filings
Will documents that have not been officially submitted be honoured by the Registry?
The Registry of Corporate Affairs cannot honour transactions that have been saved or confirmed by agent staff or authorised signatory and not submitted. Documents must have a valid VIRRGIN receipt OR the appropriate Registry Form for acceptance as filed.