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Speech delivered by Managing Director/CEO, Robert A. Mathavious, at the Caribbean Regional Compliance Association Conference (CRCA) (14 November 2014)


Public Statement No. 3 of 2012


5 June, 2012






Tortola, British Virgin Islands – 5 June, 2012 – The British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (“FSC”) considers it necessary...


Tortola, British Virgin Islands – 9 May, 2012 – BVI has the highest score in positive financial behaviours when compared to other countries, according to an international financial literacy survey.  This is the finding of a pilot study undertaken in 14 countries around the world by the...


The British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission (the "Commission") issues this public statement pursuant to Section 37A (4) of the Financial Services Commission Act, 2001, in order to inform and to protect the property of, or in the custody, possession or control of the licensee, or to...


Meet the Regulator (July 2010) - Prudential and Mutual Funds Returns - Simone Martin and Shane Baptiste
